Thursday, April 20, 2006

New Website Creation for Adventist Congregations

Visit netAdventist.orgThree Angels Global Networking (TAGnet) an independent ministry that is supportive of the Adventist Church's mission, has created new website publishing service called According to the TAGnet development team, an Adventist congregation can have a fully developed Web site offering local weather; Sabbath sunset times; interactive Bible studies and podcasts from the It Is Written media ministry; streaming audio and video clips, as well as live streaming of the Hope Channel, the church's cable and satellite television network, and LifeTalk Radio. Also available are the full resources of, which allows users to ask a Bible question and receive a full study on the topic of their choice. This service is currently only available for the North American Division.

Friday, April 14, 2006

Visiting Speakers for Sabbath Weekend 21-22 April

Pastor Richard O'FfillWell known author and revivalist speaker, Pastor Richard O'Ffill, will be in Cape Town on the weekend of 21-22 April. Friday at 19h00 he will be at Mowbray Church and on Sabbath the 22nd on UCT Campus from 9h30 to 15h00. His presentations will focus on the family, believing that the church is an extension of the home, therefore revival must start in the home before the church experiences it.

Jëan RossJëan Ross, Director, Amazing Facts Center of Evangelism (AFCOE) will be in the Cape over this same period. He will be speaking at Helderberg College at 19h00 on Friday and at 11h00 on Sabbath.

If you can't decide where to go, both speakers will be at Helderberg College at 17h30.