Tell The World is the vision of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to communicate to all people throughout the world the everlasting gospel of God's love. This vision has laid out seven goals for the next five years which include: Spiritual Growth, Personal Witness, Community Involvement, City Outreach, Church Planting, Evangelistic programming and Media Ministries. In an interview with the World Church President, Jan Paulsen, it was asked if the church could reach the goal of sharing the Gospel with 6.5 billion people on the planet? "I think we can," Paulsen said, noting that the recent "Sow 1 Billion" effort has distributed 900 million Bible study invitations worldwide so far. (Interview to be aired on Hope Channel on the 20th January.)
Information and a
video on "Tell the World" can be found on the
Adventist Mission SiteSource: Adventist News Network
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